Our Services
We understand everyone’s situation is different and strive to develop strategies and plans unique to you. We will walk you through a step-by-step process that will help make you feel confident in your decisions. You will have personalized access to our team of professionals during the entire duration of our professional relationship. Whether you are looking for savings and investing options, wealth management strategies, exploring your insurance needs, or have other financial goals or objectives, out team is here to help.
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- Define the terms of engagement and fees.
- Understanding of your current financial situation by gathering necessary information to determine and prioritize your financial goals, objectives, and needs. Situational awareness is a critical first step in building a solid financial foundation for your plan.
- Summarizing of your current financial situation, including a net worth statement, cash flow summary, budget, income, and insurance analysis as needed or requested.
- Developing a financial management strategy, including financial projections and analysis.
- Presenting a written financial plan that will be reviewed in detail with you. It will contain recommendations designed to meet your stated goals and objectives, supported by relevant financial summaries.
- Developing an action plan to implement the agreed upon recommendations.
- Assisting you with the implementation of the financial plan.
- Monitoring financial performance in relation to your financial plan and providing investment planning.
- Reviewing and assessing, on an on-going basis, the assumptions incorporated into your financial plan given changes in the economic, political, and regulatory environment.
- Determining necessity to revise your financial plan.
- Monitor, review, and evaluate ongoing implementation.
- We are proud to offer investment fiduciary services through our Strategic Asset Management and Guided Wealth Portfolio platforms that ensure we are always acting in your best interest.
- As a investment fiduciary we are legally and ethically bound to act in your best interest. This means we will put your interest ahead of our own and act upon the duty to preserve good faith and trust.
- Completing a retirement planning assessment, including financial projections of assets required at estimated retirement date.
- Social Security optimization strategies.
- Wealth accumulation and distribution strategy development based around maintain a comfortable lifestyle and longevity.
- Consolidating your 401(k)s from past jobs and miscellaneous accounts with varying companies can help give you more control and consistency within your portfolio.
- Identify funding goals, objectives, wishes, and plans.
- Assisting in the development and funding of educational goals and objectives.
- Develop a personal investment policy statement identifying your target asset allocation, investment objectives, and risk tolerance, and steps needed to implement the strategy.
- Reviewing your current investment portfolio and developing an asset management strategy.
- Implement a personalized portfolio as efficiently as possible from a tax and cost perspective given with the appropriate amount of risk and diversification given your risk tolerance, goals and objectives, tax status, and wealth accumulation needs.
- Identifying tax planning strategies to optimize financial position.
- Rebalancing the portfolio and practicing tax loss harvesting as necessary or needed.
- Whether you are planning to purchase a new home, new vehicle, assist that special someone with wedding expenses, or have other savings goals, we can develop a customized savings plan catered to your goals and objectives.
- When it comes to helping children save, and accumulate wealth, we have several strategies to assist.
- It is difficult to plan for achieving your financial goals successfully and confidently without properly protecting against what could go wrong. Our comprehensive risk management evaluation will help identify potential short-falls and risks within your plan.
- Assessing your exposure to financial risk and developing a risk management and insurance plan.
- Review, analysis, recommendations, and referrals for current insurance plans.
- Life Insurance
- Disability Insurance
- Long-Term Care Insurance
- Property and Casualty Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Medicare
- Needs in the Event of Death
- Review needs in the event of death and develop a strategy that seeks to ensure your family can retain the lifestyle they are accustomed to.
- Needs in the Event of Disability or Critical Illness
- Review needs in the event of a critical illness and/or disability and develop a strategy that seeks to ensure your goals and objectives are achieved.
- Assistance in elder care planning and evaluation of long-term care needs.
- Conduct and negotiate the sale and service of a specific financial product in the absence of any comprehensive written advice, supporting planning documents, or agreement on the expectation of such services.
- Perform a review of the estate situation to ensure your wishes are carried out in the event of death.
- Assessing estate net worth and liquidity.
- Ensure final estate costs and taxes are minimized.
- Development of an estate, gifting, and wealth transfer plan as needed.
- Assisting you with the implementation or any donations, charitable, or foundational planning.
- Identify changes you need to make in your current behavior to help pursue your financial goals and objectives.
- Referrals to other professionals, as required, to assist with plan design and implementation of the action plan.
- Ongoing Monitoring, Advice, Meetings, and Recommendations as Needed.
- This list is not all encompassing and other services may be offered.